Saturday, November 17, 2007

People should just listen.....

I don't really understand how people can just ignore the things around them and think their life is just peachy. Do these people not listen? Let me give you some background as to why I might bring this up, and then we will move into whether I think people really know what they are hearing or how to apply it to their lives. I have been anti-war from the day after 9/11 and have stated many times to friends and family that the pretenses used for the war were lies, to which they just replied I was being unpatriotic or paranoid. Fast forward 6 years and now everyone knows that the weapons of mass destruction and the "War on Terror" are shams, and yet no one contests what they are hearing. Instead you have all these news anchors spouting that "everyone" was fooled and "everyone" agreed with the reasons for war. I'm sorry, but I know for a fact that Bushes approval rating never broke 90%, so I guess that 10% doesn't count in the term "everyone".

My question isn't that why aren't these people being asked to make their opinions known, but rather why we still listen to the morons who tricked the majority of the people into thinking the way the government wanted them to think? Many just sit their complacent to the media, not even paying attention to the fact that these same people LIED to them some years earlier. Even someone such as John Stewart has become less critical of the government and his fellow journalists. It astonishes me that someone could be so uncritical of information at one point, then be told they need to be more critical and that people lie, and then continue to be completely uncritical! This is one of those confusing posts that doesn't really have a point, but just something that I need to say.

The fallout from all these problems and peoples misunderstanding of current situations and opinions, is that they get themselves stuck in a rut where the only thing they have to look forward to is the nightly news which will just continue to lie to them and spew misinformation onto its own people. These events will affect the market and make it an inhospitable environment as analysts are using the news to lie to the people and keep them in a state of fear and indecision. They are turning the common investor into a sheep, and preventing the economy from recovering. Let the market run its course, and the companies will be punished accordingly. Instilling fear into people is a good way to increase market volatility over the long term, and can prevent proper healing. Just take a breath and THINK before acting, LISTEN to the information being spat at you, and ASK the questions that matter, not whether or not Brittney will get her kids back from K Fed!

It's almost embarrassing to be considered the typical American that the news makes us feel like. The media is trying to confuse people into thinking the thoughts they had previously didn't really exist. Trying to tell me that I didn't think the way I thought, but instead that I was one of the sheep. STOP FEEDING THEM! You need to start being skeptical of the media and these politicians as they will LIE to you repeatedly in order to keep you off balance and to make you second guess yourself. Don't be fooled any longer and this will end properly, instead of the fairytale ending the government is predicting for itself.

Friday, November 16, 2007

New Tools!

So in my search to make investing that much easier on myself, and in the long term make my picks much more accurate and helpful to my wealth I have discovered a very nice tool written by Ravi Bhavnani whose website is listed above. The tools name is takestock and has some very easy to use features and is extremely customizable! Just thought I would share that with any of you who may read this as it is already making tracking upcoming purchases and sales that much easier. Maybe I will do a more comprehensive review later on, but as for right now I must say I am pleasantly surprised as this kind of software is hard to find (and even harder to find free and good!) This software does need some work, but he is definately on the right track!

As for the markets today I'm happy to report I beat the market with my CAPS today but the portfolio suffered slightly. I would really like people out there to just calm down take a breath and evaluate their positions before acting like the mob they are. Such irrational behavior, though I guess that is to be expected from humans. The market was pretty bland for today so I don't really have anymore updates for you right now. Keep up with your research and I may have some news on Monday depending how things start to move around right before the thanksgiving break. Cyber Monday anyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A new direction?

I've always enjoyed the stock market and the economy in general and maybe now is the time for me to start blogging about that (maybe even posting on a regular basis, what a new concept). The only problem is, I'm just a normal investor, I have no pull like an analyst or portfolio manager. But maybe that isn't such a bad thing. You don't see too many average investors posting their experience or their economic outlooks on the internet (unless you are a member of Motley Fool's CAPS program). Well lets run with this and see where it takes us. I can't really be held responsible for anything I say here whether it be a recommendation or my point of view.

To start lets just get together and try and figure out what tools are available at your disposal to make you a more refined and informed investor. I think there are some great free tools out there that can definitely help you along your journey and I highly recommend and use them on a regular basis. First off lets talk about the newest service I have joined, and that is CAPS by the Motley Fool. The site can be found at and is really a community based recommendation and grading tool. You can add favorite investors and analysts and see how their choices are playing out relative to the greater market. You can also make picks and write pitches as to why you think a certain stock is a good pick, or a bad one. The whole concept is pretty neat and for anyone who has ever invested a little money into the market the whole process should be very familiar. They also have a myriad of tools like charts and all the ratios you could ever want (very handy for some quick research).

The second thing I would recommend doing is finding a broker that fits you. There are tons of options out there when it comes to investing and not one broker can be all things to all people. Personally I use Sharebuilder right now as its dollar based investing option is a decent feature and makes investing on a budget very easy. They also have varying plans for the level of investments you will be making, with up to 20 free scheduled trades a month and real time trades as low as 11.95. Other great choices are Charles Schwab which will provide more of a personal broker feel in that they will make recommendations and have a top notch staff working to make the whole process very easy. There is no initial limit, so again can be used for first time investors, though their interface and tools may be more advanced than many are ready for. I have not had any experience with the other brokers, but just search for one, and I'm sure you'll find something you like.

So, now that you have all that stuff sorted out, I guess you are ready to start picking stocks. Ok good, now that you're listening, ignore what I just said. Why you might ask should you ignore picking stocks and investing your cash right now? Simple, the market is having some major issues right now, and heading into the fourth quarter where earnings are never particularly spectacular will only exaggerate the problems. This is not to say that you should not invest, but that you need to be much more careful than under normal market conditions as it will be very easy to pick solid companies that will lose you money over the short term. This is a great time to find bargains, however! There are plenty of companies out there that are showing good signs of value and bottoming out may be occurring in several areas of the market, though as a whole I think we have a lot more left to give before things start to right themselves.

There are lots of ways of picking stocks that are right for your portfolio, and me not being an experienced investor can only continue to learn from mistakes and research. Some of the things that I find helpful, at least at this point in my life, are Bollinger Bands, logarithmic scaling, and the MACD. All of these features are used to help me figure out the current market trends for that item and also let me choose an appropriate time to buy and sell. None of this is a perfect science, but with the right tools and outlook, and some decent common sense and a lot of luck I have been able to stay well ahead of the market this year without writing too many sales (which is my greatest weakness).

You will make mistakes as you move through investing, I know I have made plenty but I still believe that as I become more accustomed to investing and this changing economy I will be more and more successful. Once I have mastered my fear of selling and really taking the time to track and do things right, I will be in a much better position to maintain my own fortunes as they progress.

Good luck and happy investing!

Some things to look out for:
ITB - I believe this etf is very close to bottoming out, it has been hanging around the $19 for quite some time now (the lower end of the Bollinger Band, how convenient for us). I see this slipping maybe another dollar into the low 18s, but as people begin to rebuild their confidence and the builders start to move inventory on better loans we will see this stock performing at its correct levels of about 40 dollars. (Part of my current portfolio)

PCU - One of my favorites and a company I have invested in personally. This is a high dividend paying stock that has been hit irrationally hard during this last correction. Down from 140 to around 100 in less than a month, this stock to me currently represents a good buy. With their high dividends and great margins this is a good choice for someone with some patience. The world stockpiles will go down over time and the demand will increase because of it, riding this company will net some decent gains! (Part of my current portfolio)

MKL - The one stock on this list that I am still not sure about yet. All the things I read and all the numbers I look at say this is a Berkshire-esque company and their investment team is top notch. The only thing I can't decide on is a good price to buy this company. My gut says buy, and I know I will probably end up listening to it, but I am not going to be afraid if this stock slips below the bands for a while. It is hugging the bottom band like a blankee and I think it may drop to maybe 430 or so before the market is done toying with people. I think this company will make up most of my retirement portfolio in the next couple of years and I can definately see potential in this model.

Cash - Though not a stock, this is definately a safe bet moving into these winter months if you are a little more conservative and concerned with your savings. There is however, the concern of the weakening dollar, and holding straight cash might not net you very much. I definately suggest a money market fund from your broker or even sites like who offer decent returns af over 4%. (Part of my current portfolio)

IPO Watch

Visa - Watch out for this IPO, it might be a very nice one for many people. One of the largest IPO's in history, if this follows suit with Master Card there is definitely some money to be made!

Symetra - Whenever this gets to market (I completely respect their decision to stay out until the volatility ends) it will be a great pick. With the backing of Buffett, large product offering and customer base, I can see how this is a top pick for many.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Wider View

So again, I think I am long overdue with my blogging. I don't know what it is about this, but I never seem to be able to keep up with it, as if I don't think it's important or necessary. Quite the contrary in reality, this is a very important venue for me to express myself and my writing. I do hope that if anyone ever reads this, they find my style and content to be entertaining to say the least. So with that out of the way, I have upgraded a few times since my last post. The 15 inch viewable is no longer so small, it is now 2 20" wide screen viewable!

I finally dropped the bomb with Circuit City, and all has gone very well. After 17 months of working with that company, I cut the ties and moved on. My new job is so much more exciting and challenging than my previous work. I don't know how much I can actually say about the work, but what I can tell you, is that I will be having a blast working with this company and I will learn tremendous amounts of new information, as well as practical skills. The systems at the new place are amazing, and the people are even cooler.

This is a great upgrade from my previous work, and while I will miss the City, I do understand that if I stayed there any longer, I was either going to go absolutely insane, or I was going to start performing differently under the pressure of my position. It was a good time to move on, I will still shop and show my support for the company and the people, but I will never again work in retail, and you can bet on that!

So weekends, and school, Halo 3 and work. This is my life as of the moment and if I were to take a snapshot right now, I would not have thought I would be in the position I am now, 6 months ago. I am so proud of where I am and where I am going, I may be slowing down, but I am getting what I want, and what I need and the experience of getting there is making up for everything in between. I am also writing this on my new Linux laptop, running the latest beta of Gutsy Gibbon, which I must say, is very impressive.

It is amazing how far Linux has moved in the years it has been in the public eye. I think given 1 or 2 more years of devoted development, we will be seeing these systems in retail outlets, ready for complete public dissemination. Oh the future is bright, and I hope my incoherent ramblings have at least entertained the masses and the few (if any of you) that read this. Peace out girl scout!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Long Overdue Entries

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote to the world and let everyone know what was going on. Well lets start things off with current events. We moved off of campus and into a really nice town home in my hometown. I say we, being Alex, and his girlfriend Sarah, Derek, and Jim! We have wuite the full house really, but the place is nice and roomy and fits our personalities well. I've been installing our home theatre all day (getting all the wires and everything into the walls), and finished up with the front speaker hookups today. I probably wont be able to work on the rest of the project until next week, as I have finals this week, and I really just need a break from doing work.
Speaking of work, since the last time I wrote, we have switched managers again. This time it was an internal switch, we got Diane, and Entertainment got Siavosh (a pretty good trade for us, jp C). Work has been going great, I got my MCP cert and I'm working on my second test for Vista now, and should have that in the coming months.
Wow, I hate to end this so abruptly, but I am so tired right now I can't even come up with a good ending for this, so goodnite!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Word on the street is...

The word on the street is that the Angels beat the Red Sox, and that's all that matters! I must say it was an absolutely awesome game, and I'be been to some rather interesting ones in the past. This game had so many good plays, and equally good mistakes on both sides, and it really did come down to the wire with K Rod ending it with some beautiful last minute pitching! I wont bore you with the details, but Orlando Cabrera impressed me immensely with his ball handling skills and concetration!

Besides that, today was rather uneventful, I didn't really do much, as there was really nothing to do! The game was the highlight of today and that is alright with me! Derek's back from Chicago, which means that SHE is back, and I really can't stand HER. I've locked the door twice on her, ignored her every time I saw her, and basically talked to Derek like she wasn't even in the room. I really hope she knows I strongly dislike her, otherwise I will be forced to conclude she is literally the dumbest person on the planet! This hostility is really starting to drag on me, I mean I don't like being mean and it really goes against everything I believe in. The saddest part of this whole thing though, is that I feel some of the anger towards her from Charlie and myself, is spilling over onto Derek, and that is really not what any of us want in this. She basically needs to leave, or things will become worse between all of us.

I have work tomorrow for the first time since Sunday, and I am really looking forward to it. I really want to get some things done tomorrow, that I hope an average Wednesday crowd will allow me to accomplish. Besides that, nothing is realy happening tomorrow, so I will be taking it easy and not really stressing about much, which is what I need to be doing as I have just been getting more tightly wound up since the break up (yes it was two months ago, and yes I really am glad it's over with, but it still wears on you). After school is out for the short summer vacation I will be relaxing, drinking with some old friends and basically being myself. Heck we might even go to the Primm 300, so I am really excited for some down time, I think I've earned it over these past months. Good night everyone, I need to get to sleep and think some more about secret things....

Monday, August 21, 2006

Today... was a good day!

I got to sleep in way late today, I didn't have to go to work, I got to watch 4 hours of 24 season 4, and I cleaned my room (finally, it was a major mess). Today was one of those days you don't appreciate, but I am going to try and appreciate this day. I am alive, doing well and in good spirits!

Now back from my rant on today, I am very excited for the near future! I have a meeting next week with some CCity people and I think it could be very good for me, my new manager is fairly impressed with my ability and my ideas, but he is most of all impressed with my innitiative. While others in the department help customers and then go back to doing nothing I get on people's asses, and I get things done in good time. I am one of the newest employees in my department, but everyone listens to my input and basically does what I point out (though I do it myself if I'm not busy with my own problems, the life of a tech is a hectic one) in a timely manner, almost as if they think I am management.

As for the meeting, my gamble paid off, I basically wrote an open letter to my management that stated I had some ideas that I wanted discussed. We have a lot of problems in our department and if we are going to ever become a top tech department, especially before our new branding, we need to adjust our behaviors to be successful. So I have a meeting with my manager sometime next week, and hopefully I don't f*ck things up, because this could get me in good graces with the brand new store director. At this point in time, I have no idea what life holds for me, so I am merely leaving every door as wide open as I can, and taking the initiative that will set me apart when it comes time for raises, and for picking new team members!

I think if I really wanted to, I could pursuse management in CCity, but that is not what I want in life, at least I don't think so, so I will just be using this to built repor with my management, so if I ever do need to fall back on something like this, I will already have a foot in the door. I really am excited for this new oppurtunity, I don't know if you can tell, but my grammar and writing style is all messed up because I am thinking so much about the possibilities. I have been having ideas running through my head again! I haven't had ideas like this since I was single before the Ex!

I feel so relieved to finally be able to think about things and think about my future in a format less than linear. I am able to see clearly what I want in the end, and I am piecing together the middle parts that I need to fall in place before I can enjoy my life the way I've always wanted. The launch of my newest business will be the first step of this new process, and I am hoping, I am praying, that it will take off in the way I am visualizing in my mind. This next launch is not a far fetched scheme, or even a radical idea, but I believe that it is something that hasn't been done, and if successful here, I will hope to spread our influence and model to other ambitious minds! I am sorry for being so vague on the idea, but I don't want anything set in stone before launch!

Well I feel it's time for a gin and tonic after a nice long good day, so I will bid you farewell, and stay tuned for more updates!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Yay, another day at work!!!

You would not believe the stuff I have been through at work since I have started at the City, but I must say it has been a deilghtul, if not interesting journey. I am on my third manager, and my second store director. But that is not the worst of it, in October, I will be undergoing a name change (my specific department is getting a complete overhaul, and with that comes new colours and names). All you have to do is follow that link and you might be able to figure out what our new name will be, but you will never guess that new colours, so you all will just have to wait for the new commercials to roll out!

Besides that, nothing really important happened today, got most of my work done so I only have a few things to do tomorrow, and I keep getting in good with my new manager, so things are looking up, but you never know with large retail corporations. But I'm exhausted, and my feet hurt, so I will bid you goodnight!

Are there snakes in my pants, or am I just happy to see you?

Now I am going to start off by saying that I really didn't know what to expect when I decided to go see Snakes on a Plane, but I will be the first to admit that what I did end up seeing was ridiculous. Not the kind of ridiculous that makes you mad, or upset, or even the kind that makes you wonder why you spent 10 dollars. This movie was so.... unique in that the only reason it had even a semblance of a plot, was to give some sort of justification for putting snakes on a plane! Do we know if Eddie Kim was ever convicted of anything? What happens to all those families of the people who died on the plane, do they sue the airline, the government, or Eddie Kim? Does just bringing the anti-venom for all these snakes really help when the people are on the verge of death? A good movie answers these questions so that the audience has a sense of closure, but not this movie, oh no, you get nothing but some snakes on a plane, and an attempt at romance.

Because of all this and the whole setup of the movie, I am forced to conclude that Snakes on a Plane is only the first in a series of films to discuss the serious issue of snake security. I believe we will see Snakes on a Boat, Snakes on a Bus, and finally, Snakes in the White House in the coming years. People need to be aware of the serious threat these lovable creatures can pose.

All jokes aside, there are more pressing matters at hand that must be dealt with. The girl has overstayed her welcome! I will not name names, but a certain girl, lets call her Ashley, has taken over one of my roommates rooms, and basically the whole place in an effort to be as annoying and rude as possible. I'm generally not a mean guy, in fact I hate it when people are mean to me, or others, but this girl is certainly a special case. I do not know how someone could be so... boring, stupid, attached, and whorish, all in one package. I guess they are even boy friend and girl friend (I don't know how she tricked the poor bastard into that one). But I have only a few more weeks of this to deal with (hopefully much much sooner), because she will be moving out of our room and into an apartment of her own (what a novel concept, getting her own place to live). With that move I am hoping the last bonds of their relationship will be severed, and that I, will never have to lay eyes upon that woman.

I know that I am being really harsh, and well, a dick, but I raelly don't care, this girl is worth throwing those things out the window (at least until the end of this blog).

So I've covered movie news, annoying girl news, I think I still need to go over the work situation, but as I do have to go to work in the morning, I must cut this short. I will keep y'all posted tomorrow or the next day about that whole mess.

Monday, August 07, 2006

It's been a while...

I just have a few updates to make and some comments on a few subjects that have been bothering me for the last couple of months (it's also been a long time since my last entry, so I might as well just go all out and have some fun with this one.)

I want to touch briefly first, upon an observation I made a while back while on the way back from Wendy's (best nuggets ever), and that is what I call, Average Joeism. Average Joeism is my technical name for what others may call blind ignorance, or ignorant assesment. This stems from a couple of things, but I will only go into the main one for now. Because I do work for a large electronics retailer, I have seen many things that have either irked me, or solidified my confidence in mankind. Today was a day for the former.

Now I know most of you have no idea who I am, but lets get one thing straight, the Mac commercials are the worst commercials I have ever seen, and I will explain why. They just don't work. That's it, they simply do not do an adequate job of explaing exactly why I (the target demographic mind you) would want or need to get a Mac. What the commercials have done is create a large number of Average Joes (hence average joeism) who then think they know a lot about computers and problems that seem to only plague PCs. Lets get one thing straight, the Mac does nothing for you that you can't do freely with the applications built into Windows, or one of a million applications written by someone out there to help you out.

People come into the store touting names like Intel, and HP, and never think that maybe the other brand, AMD, might have a product that is better suited for their needs. They ask if AMD is a different type of Pentium, they think that because they saw a commercial that said Intel inside, that the correct product for them is that one. Well let me put it this way, most people who go to a store to buy a computer shoud probably stick with the AMD, it's cheaper and for most if not all tasks it will match or beat the current generation Intels. These are the type of people that will not listen to a shred of sense that you give them. The type of people that want to talk to the tech because they think they have a clue about anything inside their computers, the people that ask "technical" questions and have no idea how to digest the clearly stated answer. These people are the Average Joes, they live among us, they could be our friends, neighbors, or family, and they are coming to take you with them into their world of ignorance. It is up to you to be the judge of what information to follow and who to trust, but let me give you a word of advice. Anyone who speaks with great confidence about a field they are not employed in, or haev not studied in great detail, is lying to you straight and narrow, so you must be aware of peopel willing and wanting to take advantage of your ignorance.

That's all I have to say about that!