Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ah the grind

Second day back at school, and the first post in the new blog. Both going very well I would think. School like normal is a drag, but when you at least get good teachers and a good schedule it makes it a little better. I haven't really decided as to a direction for this blog yet, but I will come up with one eventually, as I have several things going on, including a major project, and a job that shows me the best of people ;-). I think I might do a matter of both, but I may also include random observations that may be deemed politically incorrect, but I don't really care. Politically incorrect or not, people set themselves up for ridicule most of the time, so I think I should just point that out.

I guess I could even make my first observation about women. I call the financial services desk today asking for a hold on my account to be removed, the lady on the phone is courteous and removes one of my holds, but leaving the second one. I call back maybe 5 minutes later, and explain myself to the exact same lady, who proceeds to yell at me and tell me she already fixed it. I didn't even accuse her of lying, she just thought she should start yelling and pissin on the floor about it, so I just hung up. Basically this is how everyone should handle women on the phone, if they start getting all pissy and riled up, just hang up the phone. Odds are you didn't do anything that you should be ashamed of, or even apologize for, and odds are the woman on the other end will think you slept with her sister. Lifes to short to get bitched at.

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