Monday, March 12, 2007

Long Overdue Entries

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote to the world and let everyone know what was going on. Well lets start things off with current events. We moved off of campus and into a really nice town home in my hometown. I say we, being Alex, and his girlfriend Sarah, Derek, and Jim! We have wuite the full house really, but the place is nice and roomy and fits our personalities well. I've been installing our home theatre all day (getting all the wires and everything into the walls), and finished up with the front speaker hookups today. I probably wont be able to work on the rest of the project until next week, as I have finals this week, and I really just need a break from doing work.
Speaking of work, since the last time I wrote, we have switched managers again. This time it was an internal switch, we got Diane, and Entertainment got Siavosh (a pretty good trade for us, jp C). Work has been going great, I got my MCP cert and I'm working on my second test for Vista now, and should have that in the coming months.
Wow, I hate to end this so abruptly, but I am so tired right now I can't even come up with a good ending for this, so goodnite!

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