Saturday, August 19, 2006

Yay, another day at work!!!

You would not believe the stuff I have been through at work since I have started at the City, but I must say it has been a deilghtul, if not interesting journey. I am on my third manager, and my second store director. But that is not the worst of it, in October, I will be undergoing a name change (my specific department is getting a complete overhaul, and with that comes new colours and names). All you have to do is follow that link and you might be able to figure out what our new name will be, but you will never guess that new colours, so you all will just have to wait for the new commercials to roll out!

Besides that, nothing really important happened today, got most of my work done so I only have a few things to do tomorrow, and I keep getting in good with my new manager, so things are looking up, but you never know with large retail corporations. But I'm exhausted, and my feet hurt, so I will bid you goodnight!

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